“The Lottery”

June 27, 2015

The LotteryJune 27th is a memorable date for those of you that are familiar with the famous Shirley Jackson short story, “The Lottery”. It is an astonishing and eerie piece of literature with one of the most shocking endings. There is an excellent radio adaptation that was featured on the radio series, “NBC Presents Short Story” and originally aired on March 14th, 1951.

Helen and I featured this episode at our ‘An Evening of Old Time Radio’ presentation at the ‘Daily Grind’ back in April 2014, and we also played it on the internet radio station ‘Radio Once More’ as part of our ‘Recapitulation Presentation’. The shocked looks I saw at the ‘Daily Grind’ reinforced the power of radio drama…even over 60 years later!!!!! Here is the link to the text of the short story, “The Lottery”.

Below is the ‘NBC Presents: Short Story’ adaptation of “The Lottery” complete with the introduction and closing that was presented last year on the internet radio station, “Radio Once More”. This recording of ‘The Lottery’ is the actual recording that I recorded from 1210 WCAU back in the early 1980’s when I first heard this wonderful example of ‘Old Time Radio’ on the WCAU program, “Radio Family Classics”. Enjoy!!!!

Blog - The Lottery

“Migraine Awareness Month”

June 14, 2015

Migraine Awareness Month

June is ‘Migraine Awareness Month’ and many of us do not realize all that is involved with a Chronic Migraine Sufferer, myself included, until I had the opportunity to discuss this with our dear friend Dana Tilton Smith.  Most of us just think of it as a bad headache, but it is much more than that.  Dana was kind enough to chat with us on ‘Radio Once More’ last year in June to help educate others about this debilitating disease.

Below you can listen to the discussion Dana and I had last year on ‘Radio Once More’.  A big thanks again to Dana for opening up and sharing this with us and more importantly educating us about what chronic migraine sufferers have to deal with on a daily basis.

Here are a few web sites that Dana recommends that are great sources of information with the hopes of educating and spreading awareness.


American Migraine Foundation.org

Migraine Research Foundation.org

Holmsey & Dana - Copy

Dana with Holmsey at an ‘Old Time Radio’ event at the ‘Daily Grind’ in downtown Mount Holly, April 2013

“And The Answer Is…”

June 7, 2015

Helen & Johnny - And The Answer

Hello All!!!!! Helen and I are proud to host another installment of “An Evening of Old Time Radio” at the Daily Grind Coffee Shop at 48 High Street in beautiful, downtown Mount Holly, New Jersey. If any of you wonderful folks happen to be in the vicinity of Mount Holly, New Jersey on Friday, June 12th (6:30PM to 9PM), we cordially invite you to stop by and enjoy a tasty beverage as we present “And The Answer Is…”. We will be presenting three quiz shows from the Golden Age of Radio.

Stay for 1, 2, or all 3 shows!!!! As a special bonus, we are also planning to broadcast the presentation live on RadioOnceMore the following Wednesday, June 17th at 9PM. This gives you two chances to catch “And The Answer Is…” live, once at the Daily Grind Coffee Shop, and once on “Radio Once More”. We are going to have some great quiz shows, music, and treats lined up for this special Friday evening event. Also, rumor has it that there will be a few Give-a-Ways!!!! Stop by and try something a little different and experience how we were entertained back in the 1930′s, 40′s, and 50′s before television. All you need are your ears and your imagination!!!! Arrive early if you plan on attending, it is a cozy coffee shop with limited seating. Helen and I sincerely hope to see you Friday evening at the Daily Grind Coffee Shop on June 12th and on “Radio Once More” on Wednesday evening June 17th at 9PM!!!!!! Woo-Hoo!!!!

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